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The Traffic Bureau includes the Accident Investigation Unit, Motorcycle Unit, D.W.I enforcement and a Commercial Vehicle Inspector. The unit is comprised of a Captain, a Traffic Lieutenant and 11 investigators.
Accident Investigation Unit
The unit investigates motor vehicle accidents where serious injury or a fatality was involved. The investigators also conduct follow-ups on hit and run accidents. Officers within the Accident Investigation Unit have all received crash investigation training from the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services. Members of the unit utilize special techniques, measurement collection instruments, equipment, and technologies to assist them in gathering evidence in order to reconstruct the accident scene. Reconstruction of accident scenes enables accident investigators to understand the chain of events that led to the crash.
Traffic Division
Officers are visible throughout the town enforcing the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws and helping to facilitate the safe movement of traffic. Investigators also engage in commercial vehicle enforcement. The Traffic Bureau works with the Erie County STOP-DWI program and conducts DWI sobriety checkpoints as well as random safety checks, and roving DWI patrols. The Traffic Bureau and Motorcycle Unit assists with special events and escorts that impact the traffic flow throughout the town. They provide traffic safety for such special events as the Ride for Roswell, 4th of July Celebration, numerous running races, walks and parades conducted within the Town.
Accident Statistics for 2018 and 2019
Year | Total Crashes | Fatal Crashes | Injury Crashes | DWI Arrests |
2018 | 5,568 | 3 | 953 | 232 |
2019 | 5,472 | 0 | 954 | 214 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Where can I pickup a copy of a motor vehicle accident report (MV-104A)?
- A. Generally, if you were involved in a accident where the Amherst Police responded, we either assisted you in advice, exchanging information or the officer filled out a "Accident Information Exchange Form" only, or a MV-104A (NY State DMV form) and a "Accident Information Exchange Form". Usually if you have a copy of the "Accident Information Exchange Form", this is all the information you need. Unless at the top of the "Accident Information Exchange Form" the box is checked "Accident Report on File", there is no further information on file at the Police Station. Your insurance company will obtain a copy of the MV-104A through our records department. If you have some circumstance where you need to have a copy of the MV-104A, you can obtain one from crashdocs.org/ny-amherstpd. Reports are available 5-7 business days after the incident.
Q. What should I do when I see flashing lights on the side of the road?
- A. You are required to SLOW DOWN AND MOVE OVER when approaching and passing an EMERGENCY VEHICLE that is stopped on the roadside with its EMERGENCY LIGHTS FLASHING. (Move over if there is room and safe to do so). Examples of emergency vehicles are any police vehicle, fire vehicle or ambulance. This law was expanded and also applies to HAZARD VEHICLES such as utility trucks, tow trucks, highway maintenance trucks, vehicles removing ice and snow from the roadway and rural mail carrier vehicles.
Q. What should I do if an EMERGENCY VEHICLE has its siren and /or flashing lights on and is approaching from the front or the rear?
- A. Pull over to the RIGHT as soon as you can SAFELY do so and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed by. Then safely continue your driving. Be alert for MORE THAN ONE EMERGENCY VEHICLE.
Q. Do I need to stop if a school bus has it’s red flashing lights on, even if it’s on the other side of the road?
- A. Yes! Passing a stopped school bus from EITHER DIRECTION when its red lights are flashing is illegal.
(Vehicle & Traffic Law SEC. 1174)