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Programs & Services /  Surveillance Camera Registration Program

Surveillance Camera Registration

Surveillance Camera Registration is the Amherst Police Department's newest crime prevention and investigation tool. Registering your camera not only helps deter crime, but assists the department in its overall crime prevention strategy in your neighborhood.

Protect yourself, your family, and your community by registering your camera with the Amherst Police Department. Become a part of the Amherst Police Department's Surveillance Camera Registration Program!


Registration is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete. Follow the link below to complete the online form. You will provide basic business information and tell us where your cameras are located. You may delete your registration at any time. To do so contact the Amherst Police Intelligence Unit at (716) 689-1372 or email to

This information will not be posted publicly. It will strictly be stored internally at the Police Department and shared with the Erie Crime Analysis Center.


Once you have completed the registration and verification process, a member of the department will follow up with you to confirm your registration.


You will only be contacted by the Amherst Police Department in the future if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera. Police personnel, if necessary, may request a copy of any video captured by your camera, which may assist in the investigation of a crime.

Online Surveillance Camera Registration Form

About Amherst

The Town of Amherst was established in 1818 and celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2018. The town has a geographical area of 53.6 square miles and a population of greater than 122,000.

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Town of Amherst ADA Coordinators are Robert McCarthy (Director of Human Resources) and Mark Berke (Commissioner of Buildings).

Click for more information about ADA.

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Get in Touch

  • General Information:
    (716) 631-7000
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Municipal Building (Town Hall)
  • 5583 Main Street
  • Williamsville, NY 14221