- Arts and Culture in Public Places Board
- Assessor's Office
- Building Department
- Soils and Residential Foundation Study
- Zombie and Vacant Property Remediation and Prevention Initiative
- Engineering Department
- Dellwood-Sattler Green Infrastructure and Park Improvements
- Joint Consolidation Agreements for Sewer Districts and Stormwater Districts
- Royal Park Improvement Project
- Sidewalk Information
- Highway Department
- Other Agencies - NFTA
- Planning Department
- Amherst Central Park
- Amherst Comprehensive Plan / Plan Amendments
- Audubon Development Plan Update
- Boulevard Central District (Opportunity Zone)
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 1
- Boulevard Central District Zoning Updates in Sector 2
- Canandaigua-Niagara Falls ('Peanut Line')
- Context-Sensitive Highway Design Project
- Eggertsville Action Plan
- Farmland Protection and Agricultural Development Plan
- Imagine Amherst
- Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
- Main Street Corridor Study
- Proposed Westwood Neighborhood Project
- Snyder Action Plan
- Snyder – Harlem & Main Street Rezonings
- South Campus Area Streetscapes Plan
- South Campus Intermunicipal Planning Framework
- Transit Road Corridor Management Study
- Willow Ridge/Parkview Action Plan
- Zoning Amendments – Mixed-Use Districts
- Street Lighting
- Town of Amherst Emergency Operations Center, Planning Division
The Towns of Amherst and Tonawanda have created a joint community Action Plan for the Willow Ridge and Parkview Triangle neighborhoods. The Action Plan was developed for these neighborhoods to address various problems and create opportunities to improve connectivity, recreation, building maintenance and pedestrian safety. The Plan will serve as a guiding document to portray the future vision of the area. The recommendations focus on ways to MAKE IT SAFE, CONNECT, AND REFRESH the Niagara Falls Boulevard corridor and surrounding neighborhoods. The Towns will employ the Action Plan to update Comprehensive Plan policies, create new goals and objectives, and utilize implementation strategies to create a more vibrant, connected and safe inter-municipal community. A copy of the Final Action Plan can be found below and a physical copy of the Plan can be viewed at any time at the Town of Amherst Planning Department. The Final Plan was presented to the Amherst Town Board on Monday, June 5, 2023 – the PowerPoint presentation and video recording from this meeting can be viewed below.
Amherst Town Board PowerPoint Presentation - March 8, 2023
Amherst Town Board Final Action Plan Presentation Video
Visit the project website at www.connectingwrpv.com to access information about the project such as background details, events and engagement opportunities, project resources, and more.

Draft Action Plan
In the Fall of 2022, the Towns of Amherst and Tonawanda released the Draft Action Plan. A lot of ideas, participation, and analyses went into putting this Draft Plan together, especially during a Charrette week in April 2022 that hosted a variety of public engagement events and opportunities. The Draft Plan was a culmination of all the input and ideas received at that point and set a vision for future pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity, recreation opportunities, redevelopment potential, and more. Input on the Draft Action Plan was collected via an online survey that was available on the project website from October to the end of December 2022. The survey asked a variety questions about the themes and images shown in the Plan and participants were able to express their thoughts and opinions. We want to thank everybody who participated and provided input.
Public Presentation of Draft Action Plan
The Towns held a public meeting on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Sweet Home Middle School Multi-Purpose Room which included a presentation of the Draft Action Plan and various live polling questions to gather attendee’s thoughts and reactions. The consultants described the elements of the Draft Plan, summarized the input received from the online survey, and discussed next steps. Surveys were handed out to those in attendance as a way for them to provide further input. Please see a copy of the PowerPoint presentation and a video recording of the presentation below. The consultants took the input provided and incorporated any pertinent information into the Final Plan.